Common areas of focus
and how I can help

Anxiety and Panic

Anxiety has many names: worry, fear, restlessness, nervios. It can present itself as those racing thoughts that keep us up at night or that knot in our stomachs when we think of what’s to come. Together, we will explore the thoughts and physical sensations that can make anxiety worse and talk about how to start changing them.

What to Expect from Treatment

Post-traumatic Stress

Many of us have experienced some form of trauma, abuse, or extremely frightening event that has left its mark on us and how we think and feel. Using evidence-based approaches of Cognitive Processing Therapy or Prolonged Exposure Therapy, we will discuss the best approach to changing the way your experience affects your life.

What to Expect from Treatment

Relationships and Couples

Sometimes, the relationships in our lives can become complicated and contribute to our confusion and distress. Whether its the relationship with your romantic partner, family, friends, or colleagues, we will work on how to better navigate the dynamics of your relationships and improve your interpersonal effectiveness.

What to Expect from Treatment

Career and Growth

A fulfilling career or life path is something many of us strive for. However, sometimes we might feel stuck on how to take the next step. By exploring and defining your values, you can create your own personal “life compass” to help you determine the best direction to take.

What to Expect from Treatment

Identity and Intersectionality

We are complex creatures. We each have our own unique experiences and backgrounds that contribute to how we feel in the various contexts in which we live. We will strive for empowerment and equality using a strengths-based approach to help you best navigate your social world.

What to Expect from Treatment